Beitragvon Silverstorm » Sa 10. Okt 2015, 13:43
Seid euch gewiss, dass ich jetzt immer während des Tankens dieses Lied singe.....ein absoluter Ohrwurm XD
Slam your shield into their BALLS
And keep your anus near the walls
And take REVENGE upon their sacks
Then tell the raid to fucking STACK!
Then devastet their dick hole
As you shout to hunters: RE-ROLL
Just dump your rage: HEROIC STRIKE
Then jam your sword into their COCK
“Don´t forget your active mitigation!”
“What the fuck is that?”
OHHH….. You mean that “Shield Block”?
And other shit to carry the raid´s
Undergeared leeching SCUM. HAHAGRAHA
Rinse and repeat
Slam your shield into their BALLS
And keep your anus near the walls
And take REVENGE upon their sacks
Then tell the raid to fucking STACK!
Then devastet their dick hole
As you shout to hunters: RE-ROLL
Just dump your rage: HEROIC STRIKE
Then jam your sword into their COCK
HMPH! You can keep the fucking loot
I´m just here for his BALLS!"
Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise lösen, durch die sie entstanden sind.